Overcoming Fear and Poverty with Hope and Holistic Support

There are six basic fears every human faces according to renowned author Napolean Hill. The number one fear is the fear of poverty. Other fears include growing old, death, health, and loss of love. Poverty exists, and the fear of living without food, a hot meal or a place to sleep is real for so many in Montgomery. Many single parents in West Montgomery are working hard and holding down a job but are living paycheck to paycheck. They are one catastrophe away from homelessness. 

Solving the problem of injustice and poverty is complicated. There are many issues to be overcome to see someone set free from living without hope and a future. For those in Montgomery who live in the fear of poverty and hunger, they can only get out of the cycle of poverty through the love of Jesus Christ and holistic support. Ministry About People (MAP) is a holistic ministry that supplies prepared food for up to 500 adults daily, housing assistance and clothing. We do not stop there, however. We also provide wraparound services of adult education, workforce development and training to enable people to obtain livable-wage jobs. We go further by providing after-school care, tutoring and homework help for up to 200 children each day to transform children’s lives. We supply a safe and loving place for youth to keep them off the streets as their parents are bettering themselves, working and providing for their families. 

Pain, anxiety, worry, and depression begin to set in and immobilize people if they are not cared for holistically. Mercy House/Ministry About People is there to help families in need to end the hunger line. We are working hard on the renovations to Manna House in hopes of opening next year to be able to feed up to 1,000 hungry hearts each day. 

The Bible shows many examples of when Jesus had true compassion for someone it brought forth action on His part. Our ministry continues to make a powerful difference in the lives of struggling children and families in Montgomery every day – in ways you and I could have only imagined a few short years ago. Thank you for standing shoulder to shoulder with us as we do the work Christ calls us to. Through your support, we are instilling hope, inspiring belief, and equipping our neighbors with the essential life skills to fulfill their God-given purpose as self-sufficient members of the community. 

Ken Austin