Prayer Bookmarks


 We are starting a Mercy House prayer ministry. Anyone who feels called to join us in covering this ministry in God’s promises and protection is invited to sign up and receive monthly prayer requests that are specific to Mercy House and New Walk of Life Church.

In Exodus 17:12, Aaron and Hur knew that by holding up Moses arms to God when he could no longer hold them up himself, the battle would be won. We know that God’s work here is too important to let pride get in the way, to think we can hold our own arms up for the length of the battle.

We are asking people to help us hold up our arms to God - showing our need and our confidence that He will continue to bring hope and abundant life to this neighborhood. If you feel led to be part of this concentrated effort to bring God glory through our new prayer ministry, please sign up below.

Note - When you sign up for the Prayer Bookmark mailing, we will not then use your address to send you mail asking for donations. Your address will be used exclusively for Prayer Bookmark mail.