When We Roll the Stone Away

I want to share with you a scene that played out at Mercy House this week. A neighbor came by our Business Center asking for help filling out a job application. He had gone by the Dollar Tree to seek employment but was told that all applicants must apply online. Now I can easily see that with COVID 19 precautions, they may be trying to limit people in their store. But for this gentleman, without a computer or internet, an in-store paper application was his only option.

He heard that our Business Center was open and came by to see us. As we sat together and I helped him navigate the website and enter his information; As I got to know him, I found out that he is a veteran in the US Army and he recently relocated here from Tuskegee. He is excited with the thought of being back at work. I told him that we would add him to our prayer list and that we were claiming God’s best for him. 

As I moved on with my day I took a moment to consider the roadblock he had run into when he tried to apply in person. His struggle is all too familiar. The lack of internet and computer skills is widening the socio-economic gap, not just on Council Street but across our country. This gap is causing areas like West Montgomery to fall further into poverty. Mercy House is committed to helping our neighbors overcome these obstacles that they encounter and keep them on the road that leads to a better life. 

I am reminded of the Scripture from John 11:38-44. Lazarus has died and been placed inside a closed tomb. Jesus told them to roll the stone away and He would raise Lazarus. Jesus wanted them to do their part and then He would do His part. I feel like we are called to roll the stone away, to remove the barrier, to stand in the gap, to provide a computer and support, and then God will do His part. He will make a way, He will provide a job, He will bring hope and He will restore a life. When we do our part, God will do His. When we have done everything we can do, that’s when God will step in and do what only He can do.

We can serve in complete confidence that God is faithful and keeps His promises. We worship a God who loves to come alongside His children and bless their efforts in a way only He can. So we will continue to be obedient to the Lord’s calling and work hard here at Mercy House- doing our part to love His children and we will praise Him with that same effort. Through our faithfulness, we will have the privilege of watching Him do His part and abundantly more. 

All the best,
Kim Boston

Ken Austin