Five Things You Can Do

Solving the problem of injustice and poverty is extremely complicated. There are so many issues that have to be overcome to see someone set free from living without hope and a future. It is easy to see in 1 John 3:17 “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”, that God is calling us to care for the poor. Sadly, we often have countless reasons why we don’t follow His will in serving those in need. What can I do to help? Where do I start? How can feeding the hungry or donating my time lead others to a relationship with Christ?” These are all excuses that can wear thin in the eyes of the Lord. I am reminded of the Story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-31. The son that took his inheritance early and recklessly spent it, soon found himself living worse than his father’s servants. He decided to return home to ask for a job working for his father so that at least he would have food and shelter. As he made his way home, he prayed for mercy. What awaited him was a loving father that welcomed him home with unconditional love and grace. He must have been overwhelmed by his reception. He came looking for compassion and found salvation. I believe that when we too offer the least and the lost a hot meal, clean clothes, consistent support, an encouraging smile, a place to come home to - they will find Jesus. And once they encounter their Savior, there is no end to the blessings that He can place upon them in their journey out of hardship. I would like to share with you five things that you can do to begin actively serving those whom society have left behind.

  1. Acknowledge the Problem. There are people living not far from you that can’t read, don’t have enough food to feed their children, lack the skills to earn a livable wage, didn’t grow up with positive mentors or unconditional love. Our neighbors see violence and abuse as common place, and are judged by the color of their skin. They have few people they can trust and have never experienced living in God’s grace or the security of His salvation. There is a problem.

  2. Don’t Over Think What Needs To Be Done. God is probably not calling you to move to Calcutta. He is calling you to begin with some simple steps towards interacting with those in need. You don’t have to fix all the issues or do something that is amazing. The simpler your plan for obedience the better. 

  3. Pray Dangerous Prayers. Start praying sincere and consistent prayers asking the Lord to give you a passion for the lost. Ask Him to take you out of your comfort zone and put you in the path of the people He wants you to help. If you slow down your agenda, you will be able to hear God’s urging to act. Pray to be brave, bold and dedicated to growing God’s kingdom. If you want to grow closer to God, draw closer to those in need. 

  4. Don’t Let Satan Give You Excuses. Because Satan has a million really good reasons why you can’t be Jesus’ hands and feet today. Our calling is to serve as lights and protectors in a very dark world. If we stop shining, the world gets darker. This is a battle you can win just by showing up. Win it!

  5. Take People With You. Lend some of your passion and bravery to others and invite them to join you when you go to serve. You can help others live out God’s great commandment, when you provide a place for them to jump in to the kingdom work that you are doing. Become an advocate for those that can’t speak for themselves. Share your serving experiences and encourage others to get involved in making a difference in the lives of those that so desperately need it.

We invite you to join us here at Mercy House. We have long since acknowledged the problem that people are suffering. Whether by their own story or by the circumstances that they find themselves in, people are struggling to make their way through the heartbreak that is West Montgomery. We aren’t changing the world but we are meeting needs and making a difference. We are praying for more of God’s favor so that we might share those blessings with our neighbors. We are determined to give God glory through the work being done on Council street and we aren’t going to be slowed or sidetracked by excuses. And we are always grateful for people to join us in doing the Father’s work. Together we can shower people with compassion and pray that they find salvation in Jesus. That sounds like an amazing day’s work and all our invited to join us.

God Bless

Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin