Closed for Rest - Week of September 7th, 2020

It has been an eventful six months. And that is an understatement. Six months ago COVID-19 hit our community in a tangible way, shutting down schools, businesses, and churches. It affected Mercy House in many and diverse ways. Our standard operating procedures for each one of our services changed. The number of people we serve daily has tripled. The need our neighbors face is staggering. It’s been an eventful six months.

But our team has handled it beautifully. They’ve adapted, approached everything with flexibility, kindness, and a service-oriented outlook. We are grateful for our team and how they’ve worked to ensure our neighbors-in-need continue to be served. During these six months, our employees have barely taken a day off. We’ve encouraged it! But with the need as great as it is, our kind-hearted staff had difficulty stepping down. 

But we value our greatest resource, our people. So we’re closing down all of our operations for this week to give them time off to truly rest and fully detach. When our team is healthy our ministry is healthy. We’ve given all of our neighbors-in-need enough notice to have their laundry done in advance, shower in advance, and to connect them with temporary resources in the interim.

When we come back, on September 14th, we’re going to be implementing a new care coordination program and this break for our staff also serves to strategically allow for an improvement in our services without jarring our neighbors-in-need too much too quickly.

So we’re going to rest. We’re going to step away, and we’re going to enjoy time recharging to come back stronger. We’re seeking an opportunity for renewal. 

If you are in need of emergency services, please call 211. If you are a supporter, partner, or friend with a question, please send us an email and we’ll get back to you as quick as we can upon our return.

Thank you again for your support, and we hope you are also finding rest in your life as well.

 God Bless,
Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin