"What's Your Why"?

One of the prevalent leadership themes in recent years encourages leaders to “Find their why” for their organization, business, and career. Discovering “your why” guides you to dig deep and find the intrinsic motivation for work in your industry.

When you apply the same methodology to service, social work, and volunteerism, the motivation that you discover will drive more impactful ministry. Let’s look at “our why.” Shall we?

MAP/ Mercy House is a non-profit, Christian Community Development Organization serving West Montgomery. Our mission is to revitalize Montgomery by creating a safe place for people with a heart to serve and a safe place where people in need can be served. We do this by feeding, caring, educating, and redirecting the lives of our neighbors in need toward hope! 

That is WHAT we do, but WHY we serve drives everything we do.

What drives our mission and programs that provide wraparound services to families and establish them on a path toward hope? 

Where do you start when you want to serve residents of West Montgomery who live below the poverty line in need of a warm meal? 

What drives our passion to care for teenagers or school dropouts and help them obtain a GED and a livable wage job?




Jesus taught that “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matt. 25:40) 

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught that “Love is the greatest force in the universe!”

If we are serving with love, we will always succeed.

The many programs of MAP come together in love to create pathways of hope that redirect lives and rebuild a strong community in Montgomery. From a day shelter for the homeless to GED help and financial classes, and from after-school and summer enrichment programs for youth to a food pantry, showers, and clothes closet, we believe it takes an entire community working together to help those in need. We depend on partnerships with organizations and individuals, and we need volunteers who share the same heart of love and compassion to fulfill the mission. If you have a heart to serve and would like to walk with us as we do the work Christ calls us to do, we invite you to fill out the volunteer form. Through your support, we are instilling hope, inspiring belief, and equipping our neighbors with the essential life skills to fulfill their God-given purpose as self-sufficient members of the community who in turn give back. 

Ken Austin