Taking Action

I think most people when seeing a situation that breaks their heart, would feel compassion for whoever was involved. If you see those sad puppies in the commercials for dog shelters or children going through cancer treatments, it is hard not to feel sorry for them. There are so many examples where we see a tear jerking scene and we feel compassion for those sick children or people living on the streets. But true compassion cannot be possible without action steps to alleviate the issue. By definition, compassion is defined as - “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it”. The component of action is what separates compassion from empathy, sympathy, pity, concern, condolence, sensitivity, tenderness, commiseration or any other compassion synonym. Compassion gets involved. When others keep their distance from those who are suffering, compassion prompts us to act on their behalf.

The Bible shows many examples of how when Jesus had true compassion for someone, it brought forth action on His part. Matthew 14:14 says “When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sickness.”  We see that due to His compassion, Jesus healed them.  In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “Jesus is the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort; He comforts us in all our troubles.”, because Jesus is the Father of compassion, He comforts us. And in Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you”, we are taught that if we feel compassion, we should forgive. There is no true compassion without action.

When you think about having compassion for those living in poverty, by definition it means that you should also find a way to help. So many people see poverty, hunger, homelessness, lack of medical care, or injustice and it breaks their heart but because it is overwhelming they miss out on the action step. Poverty is complicated. There are always so many obstacles and issues that keep people from regaining control over their life and removing the barriers that block their financial freedom. It takes time, resources and usually it takes someone consistent in their life helping them navigate a plan that will help them move from relying on others to being stable and self-sufficient. Seeing a problem and having compassion is not enough to help people who are lost in the system and that is why taking action is imperative to making a difference.  Here at Mercy House we thrive on being people’s action step. That is why we are here. As people see a need and feel called to help, they donate to us and then we reach out to partner with the people of West Montgomery. We actively find resources for each person’s needs. We meet with them regularly. We steer them in the right direction and show them that it is possible to move out of this dark place they are living and into the light. 

We are still here on Council street, serving hot meals and supplying groceries. We are still passing out clothes and providing hot showers. But for those that are brave enough to face their issues and take some hard steps, we are here for so much more. We offer not just compassion but we are here with an understanding spirit and a willingness to do all we can to move people forward in their walk out of poverty. We welcome you to join us in taking action to a whole new level.

God Bless,

Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin