Normal is Not Coming Back

Few would argue that the last 18 months have been unprecedented. It is hard to believe that a virus called COVID 19 would not only change our way of life but also change the world. Who would have thought that a pandemic would happen outside of a movie script. I never dreamed that wearing a mask and carrying hand sanitizer would become just part of my routine to leave the house. I thought getting vaccinated would eliminate the spread of the virus and that life would go back to normal. But now there is a Delta variant that has allowed COVID to go after the world with a new strain that the vaccine could not totally protect us from. Now there is talk of a booster vaccine and more safety precautions. “Normal” seems to have been pushed back to some time in the future when COVID is just a story we tell our grandchildren about. We are tired of cancelling plans and wearing masks. We are frustrated that this new normal is affecting our agenda and interfering with the way we want to live our life. As I prayed for patience during this difficult time, God put something very specific on my heart. I hesitate to share it because it may not come across as good or encouraging news. But I also know that if it hit me as hard as it did, you too may need to hear it . God spoke to my heart as clear as if He was speaking out loud. He said “Normal isn’t coming back.” 

I was sort of stunned when I realized what His heart was telling mine. If I heard the Lord correctly, He was telling me that all the plans I had put on hold, all the things I was putting off, were not going to happen. I was going to have to figure out a new way to get the work of my Father done while still in the midst of a pandemic. It is important to add that there were two more words that the Lord said to me. After I heard, “Normal isn’t coming back”, I heard just as clearly, “Jesus is”. That is both the best news and the biggest challenge. I was reminded that we are still called to the great commission. We may not have seen this curve in the road but our destination is still the same. Jesus is still coming back to separate the sheep from the goats. There are still people to tell, to love and to set free. Even though “Normal” is not on the horizon of returning, Jesus is. He is coming back and we must honor this time by being more intentional, creative and steadfast in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

At Mercy House we are praying about what that looks like on Council street. We can no longer wait for things to return to the way we did ministry in 2019. We must take on a sense of urgency in telling our neighbors that in these last days, God is calling all His children to run to Him and to accept the grace, forgiveness and salvation that He is offering. We can’t wait for things to get easier. We are figuring out what our new normal looks like. Our neighbors safety will always come first, but we can work through the safety precautions and allow God to show us His way to fulfilling His great commission. No, “normal” isn’t coming back but because our Savior is returning, we will renew our strength, we will run and not grow weary. 

God Bless

Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin