When Hard Gets Harder

Just about the time we think we can ease up on our COVID 19 restrictions and precautions, we are now back to putting all our safety guidelines in place. COVID numbers are back up and this time it seems that younger ages are now at a greater risk than a year ago. Life is hard enough for the people of West Montgomery but when you pile on a serious, highly contagious virus to an already stressful life, it can honestly feel like just too much to handle. Here at Mercy House, we are very aware that our neighbors struggle with so many aspects of COVID.. First, they are already a vulnerable population. Due to lack of transportation and insurance, they don’t get regular health care. Many live in substandard housing. Others are living on the streets, finding a different place to sleep each night. They don’t always eat healthy or have well balanced meals. Many suffer from constant dehydration. As hard as we try to educate them and the importance of drinking a lot of water, it is still a health issue. These struggles are a given for someone living in poverty but over the last 18 months they have also had to navigate a serious illness that they don’t really know much about.

Another aspect of COVID that we see here is that for people to protect themselves they live in isolation a lot of the time. Most of what they know about the virus is by word of mouth so there is a lot of misinformation circulating. They live in fear of contracting COVID and then not being able to get the health care they need. Not having a community around you, helping you make a way through a pandemic only multiplies their fear. Their isolation also makes it much harder for us to check in on our neighbors. Giving them their meals in a to-go-box, and sending them on their way gives us little to go on as to how they are really doing..

Mercy House is addressing all these issues as best we can. We offer hot and healthy meals each day. We are doing all we can to educate our neighbors and dispel any rumors about COVID and the vaccine. We have held vaccination clinics at our MAP building. We have provided countless masks and hand sanitizer. We are still trying to check in on those in and around Council street. We are providing extra groceries and plenty of clean clothes. But above all this, I think the most valued service we provide is that we are here. We are always and consistently here. They can count on us. They know that they can come to us and that we will help meet their needs. And just knowing that there is someone who is available if things get worse, brings them so much comfort. When someone is there to proclaim that God is still in control, that God will take care of us, that God is not surprised by this virus, that God is not worried, and maybe the biggest is that God has the final say. Always, Always… nothing is finished until God says that it is finished. When Jesus spoke the words of John 14:27, he knew about 2021 - “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” We hold tight to God’s promises as we redirect lives through this battle and any others that come our way.

God Bless,

Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin