A Prayer For Mercy House

Heavenly Father,

You are the creator of heaven and earth, the King of Kings and the great Physician. You are the beginning and the end and every day in between. There is no sin You can’t forgive and no person on this earth that You don’t love with an everlasting love. You are always good even when our life doesn’t feel good and You are perfect in Your ways and in each and every detail of our lives. You hurt when we hurt and grieve when we grieve. You have so much for us in this life and even more in the life to come. You can’t wait to call all Your children home and at the same time You are burdened by those that might not join us in heaven. Your promises are unbreakable and You love it when we claim those promises in Your name. You are everything we need and in Your own words you are the great I AM!

I must remind myself daily that this is who I have the honor of talking with whenever I want unconditional love and a peace that passes all understanding. Today, I thank You for all You are doing in and through the Mercy House. For the way you remind us each day that the people of West Montgomery have not been forgotten. We are encouraged by the way You provide just enough, just in time. You send obedient followers to support the work You have called us to do. You allow us to be Your hands and feet to the least and the lost. You are making a way here for Your children to run back to You. You are healing big hurts and You are opening blind eyes. You are making yourself known in real and tangible ways, and all the while You allow us to see that change and restoration are not only possible but are actually happening, one relationship at a time. 

I humbly ask Your forgiveness for my impatience in wanting recovery to happen more quickly. I lay my desires and plans at the foot of the cross and I claim that Your ways are always best. I have not been the follower and the example that I know I need to be. I have no excuse that would make up for the opportunities lost due to my busyness or my selfishness. I am again overwhelmed by Your grace and mercy.

Just in spending this time with You right now - after reminding myself with whom I speak and knowing Your character and Your heart - I ask that You might give us more of You - more of your compassion, when my spirit is weak and more of Your wisdom when I don’t know the answer. Please continue to break my heart to what breaks Yours and to never settle for less than Your will. Give me a passion for Your Holy Word that keeps me up at night and a strong desire to share Your gift of salvation with anyone You put in my path. When I fall short each day, let me not use my failure as a reason to give up but as a testimony to the promise that Your mercies are new each morning. 

Please protect our neighbors and all that call West Montgomery their home. We ask for revival in a place that has a rich history of bravery and vision for what could be for Your glory. Please keep Mercy House in the hollow of Your hand as we continue to reach out to all who are in need for a hand to hold. In Jesus Name, Amen

God Bless,

Mercy House Team

Ken Austin