The Power of the Little Things

It always blesses my heart in huge ways when we get to see firsthand someone making an extravagant gesture. When someone gives or does something for someone else, something big, with absolutely no expectation of getting anything in return, it catches me off guard every time. It reminds me of the way God gave His only Son with that same “no holding back”, “give it all you have”, “all in for the cause” grace. That type of unconditional love is powerful and speaks volumes about the giver.

Often overlooked, I also appreciate the little gestures. When you find yourself in a place where you see no way out, no conceivable solution, and hope drains from your soul all too quickly… when you encounter a giant of unbelief and then out of nowhere you get an unexplainable “hug” from the Lord, well, that can jumpstart your faith in God as nothing else can. And what do those reassuring “hugs” look like? Well, here at Mercy House they come in many forms. We tuck scriptures and notes into the pockets of the clothes that come out of our clothing closet. We have a short Bible lesson each day before lunch. We recently had a blood pressure check clinic and I truly witnessed a nurse be the hands of Christ as she put on the cuff and spoke words of concern and care over each neighbor.  The list goes on and on. Yes, I could tell about so many of the little things that God uses to remind all His children that “You are not forgotten”, “I see you”, “I am working”, “Hang on”, “I LOVE YOU!”. These little gestures bring a flood of hope to someone who is literally down to their last drop of it. 

It is a joy to be part of the little things. To give God glory through the consistent little actions. In an understanding smile as we are handing someone groceries or in speaking our neighbor’s name while passing a lunch because this neighbor is known and has a home here. It is in those moments of service when expressing God’s presence through a touch or a Word that whether our neighbors realize it or not, God is present and God is providing.

Learning to be brave in times like these is no small feat. Waiting for change is hard….it’s hard to be patient, it’s hard to stay hopeful, it’s hard to sit in the uncomfortable of being “almost” to a miracle that you are waiting for. It’s hard when you pray and pray and pray but nothing seems to be happening. And it’s hard not to think that the radio silence from God means it is not going to happen. But it is those moments when you see the “little things” and you can take a deep breath and know that your Savior is still by your side, that you can keep going a little bit longer - those are the times God gets all His glory!

God Bless

Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin