Join Our Prayer Team

It isn’t easy to set up shop in an area where the need is greater than your resources. It isn’t ideal that we are working in a place where the crime rate is extremely high and most of our neighbors don’t earn a livable wage. Most children here are in single parent homes.The schools in Montgomery County have been closed more than they have been open in the last year and the students have suffered from lack of supervision and nutrition. One in four homes here are abandoned and so the population of those experiencing homelessness is extremely high. Poverty has plagued this area for so long now that it is all they know, because it is all they see.

And despite all that, here we are, right where God called us to be - in the middle of West Montgomery, in the center of His will and on our knees- claiming all His promises for this neighborhood that has been left behind. I have heard it said that in your life you should attempt something so great for God that unless He is a part of it, it will surely fail. This statement has never been more true than here at Mercy House. Walking people out of poverty is a high calling that too few answer. It takes patience and perseverance and every moment of prayer that we can devote to it. But we know that God closed the lion’s mouth for Daniel. He parted the Red Sea for Moses. God gave Sarah a baby and He raised Lazarus from the dead. Nothing we face is out of His control. We often claim Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good.”. There is something truly amazing about circling the promises of God in our Bibles and taking Him at His Word. When issues and heartbreak arise, we have an entire book of evidence that our God can handle anything we bring to Him. And you know what the best part is about claiming His promises? He loves it! He loves when we pray confidently in His name, using His powerful Words for His children. And here is something you may not want to hear. I think He loves us desperate for Him. I know that He loves us more than we could ever imagine and therefore He wants to spend as much time with us as we will make. And because we are only going to be able to be agents of change with His daily provision, He has us right where He wants us - on Council street and on our knees, spending time with Him.

If you feel led to join us in praying for Mercy House and all the challenges that we face here at Mercy House, we would be honored for you to be a part of our new prayer team, By signing up on this link we will send you a prayer bookmark listing out our specific prayer needs each month. From neighbors seeking employment to events we have going on - you will be able to storm the gates of heaven on behalf of West Montgomery. If you feel led to circle His promises for Mercy House this can be the year that we take Him at His word. 

God Bless,

Pastor Ken Austin

Ken Austin